Sweating is a natural phenomenon by which our body cools itself. Hyperhidrosis is a disorder of the sweat glands which results in excessive sweating.
It is relatively a common condition. An estimated of up to 3% of the UK population suffe
r from hyperhidrosis of the underarms, palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Causes of excessive sweating include:
It can affect the whole of the body or specific areas. It typically affects the underarms, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Other areas include the chest and groin. Usually it affects both sides of the body equally.
There are no adverse health consequences associated with excessive sweating, but it can cause considerable distress for the affected individual. Embarrassment can lead to avoiding physical contact with others (such as shaking hands) as well participation in physical activity for fear of exacerbating the problem. A significant amount of time may be spent coping with the excessive sweating – for example, frequently showering and changing clothing. The symptoms of this disorder and the measures an individual may employ to cope with these can have a considerable impact on work and other daily activities.
At Bedford Skin Clinic, we offer advise Botox (botulinum toxin) for treating hyperhidrosis of the following areas: underarms, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, under the breasts and facial sweating. Research demonstrates that treatment of hyperhidrosis in these areas using Botox is both safe and effective. It can achieve approximately 85% reduction in sweating and results are evident within two to four days after treatment. The full effects of treatment are usually experienced within two weeks of administration. The duration of treatment effects varies between individuals but for the majority repeat injections are required every six months. Injecting Botox for hyperhidrosis requires a highly skilled clinician to produce effective results. This procedure takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes.